Thursday, March 05, 2009

In pictures: Oman's empty quarter (BBC)

This was the view from within the tent one night. The total lack of light pollution made star trails visible.

British teacher Mark Evans and New Zealand photographer John Smith spent four weeks exploring the desert in Oman's Empty Quarter.

The pair started near the border of Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Oman, and travelled north-east towards the famous Umm al-Samim quicksands. This shows the approach to the summit of Oman's highest dune.

They spent time with people in desert communities. This camel has won Oman's revered 'Most beautiful camel' award. Her owner, Sheikh Mohammed, lives in a small settlement 1km from Saudi Arabia.

Offering hospitality to travellers is still a key part of desert culture.

The pair made their journey by car, but they slept under traditional Bedouin tents. This was the view from within the tent one night. The total lack of light pollution made star trails visible.

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